Share Crash Logs with Developer

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Lite, Basic, Plus and Enterprise

App stability is our number one priority. This setting allows you to choose whether to send crash logs to our development team.

To track potential causes of instability, our apps use Firebase to send our development team standard iOS/iPadOS crash logs when the app crashes. More information about the information we collect can be viewed in our Privacy Policy.

Default Value (for users outside of Europe):
  • Automatically
Other Possible Values:
  • Request permission on launch (default for users in Europe)
  • Do not share

When the presentation starts, Kiosk Pro will check's the country the device is affiliated with to see if it's a European country that requires GDPR compliance. If so, a pop-up will appear asking for permission to collect this information as part of GDPR compliance. Otherwise, Kiosk Pro will automatically collect this information.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key kp_collectCrashLogsForAnalysisOption
Key Type integer
Default Value 0
Possible Values
  • 0 = Automatically
  • 1 = Do not share
  • 2 = Request permission on launch

Change Log

  • Added in 9.0.2 version.

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