Update Location Coordinates Automatically

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Plus and Enterprise

Update Location Coordinates Automatically

Define when the location coordinates of the device are updated, which can affect the amount of power your kiosk uses.

Default Value:

  • Never

Other Possible Values:

  • On App Launch
  • Continuously

Location coordinates are requested from the iOS/iPadOS operating system. Depending on available services, the iOS/iPadOS Location Services uses a combination of cellular, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth signals to determine your location. If using a device equipped with GPS, specifically iPads with a cellular data plan and iPhones, these signals will also be used, providing more accurate location data.

By default in iOS, requests to HTML5's Geolocation API always generate a new permission request alert. Kiosk Pro can automatically intercept requests to this API and respond directly using the initial Location permission granted to the app, preventing visitors from needing to respond for each request. If iOS/iPadOS permissions for Location data have not been granted previously, the app will request these permissions and store the result.


Requests for location data will only be honored by the use of our JavaScript API calls. When triggering the initial JavaScript call, an iOS/iPadOS alert will appear requesting permission to access Location Services. You must grant this permission for the app to be able to access and return location data.

On App Launch

For a stationary kiosk, defining this variable once when the app is launched may be sufficient and will help prevent battery drain from regular location querying. Additional location checks can be triggered as needed through the JavaScript API.

Note: An iOS/iPadOS alert will appear immediately after launch requesting permission to access Location Services. You must grant this permission for the app to be able to access and return location data.


This option queries and returns new location data once a minute and on demand through the JavaScript API. Kiosk Pro supports a special callback which will notify your webpage when a change in current location occurs. If more frequent location checks are required, you can use the JavaScript API to trigger a location check at any time.

Note: An iOS/iPadOS alert will appear immediately after launch requesting permission to access Location Services. You must grant this permission for the app to be able to access and return location data.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key locationUpdateFrequency
Key Type real
Default Value 0.0
Possible Values
  • 0.0 = Never
  • 1 = On App Launch
  • 2 = Continuously

Notes: Real type values must include a leading 0 if less than 1 - for example, '0.0' is valid. If this key is included in a config, the value cannot be left blank; it must have an entry. If MDM does not support value type = real, use type = float.

Location Coordinates Update Period

Set how often Kiosk Pro should check for new location coordinates when Update Location Coordinates Automatically is set to "Continuously".

Note: This setting is hidden and can only be changed using the Remote Settings Control feature.

Default: 60
Unit of Measurement: seconds

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key _kp_locationTracker_updateInterval
Key Type integer
Default Value 60

Change Log

Added in version 2.0. Updated to automatically handle additional HTML5 Location permission requests in version 9.3.

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