Volume Slider Settings

Allow visitors to have control over the volume with an on-screen slider.

Enable Volume Slider

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Enterprise

Control whether the volume slider is shown in the Navigation Bar, allowing your visitors to adjust the speaker volume from within the kiosk presentation.

Default Value: Off

The two speaker icons associated with this slider (indicating mute and full volume) are treated as standard icons and are tinted to match the rest of the navigation icons under Display > Navigation Bar > Standard Icon Color. The Volume indicator Color, Minimum Track Color and Maximum Track Color are set in the Audio Output & Volume section.

It is not possible to enable the volume slider if you are using a Custom Navigation Bar with custom images.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key kp_volumeSliderInNavBarEnabled
Key Type boolean
Default Value false

Volume Indicator Color

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Enterprise

Configure the color of the circular thumb slider used to indicate the current volume level in the Volume Slider.

Default Value: 255,255,255

The value is set in R,G,B decimal format, separated by commas, and will not accept hexadecimal or other formats.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key kp_volumeSliderThumbTintColor
Key Type string
Default Value 255,255,255

Minimum Track Color

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Enterprise

Configure the color of the left side of the Volume Slider line indicating the current speaker volume.

Default Value: 255,255,255

This value is set in R,G,B decimal format, separated by commas, and will not accept hexadecimal or other formats.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key kp_volumeSliderMinimumTrackTintColor
Key Type string
Default Value 255,255,255

Maximum Track Color

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Enterprise

Configure the color of the right side of the Volume Slider line indicating how much speaker volume can be raised before reaching the maximum level.

Default Value: 0,0,0

This value is set in R,G,B decimal format, separated by commas, and will not accept hexadecimal or other formats.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key kp_volumeSliderMaximunTrackTintColor
Key Type string
Default Value 0,0,0

Change Log

Added in 7.7 version.

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