API: Read Text to Visitors

Allows you to prompt the device to read text strings out loud. Optional parameters allow you to define the desired language and region of the voice used, as well as voice quality, volume, pitch, rate and timing.


Kiosk Pro Enterprise

  • Integration of our JavaScript API into your webpage
    • Sample code to run within the app and download for integration into your own project is available here.
    • Best practices for working with the JavaScript API are available here.
  • App Settings
    • Content > JavaScript API > Access JavaScript API = By Import

Triggers via API Functions

Read Text String

This function prompts the device to read the text string that has been passed.

kp_Speech_speak(textToSpeak, speechConfig);
  • textToSpeak - [string] the text that the device will speak
  • speechConfig - [JSON object] an optional configuration for how the string is spoken. Keys include:
    • rate - [number] the speed that the string is spoken. Default = 0.5, possible values = 0 - 1
    • pitchMultiplier - [number] the pitch of the voice. Default = 1, possible values = 0.5 - 2
    • volume - [number] the volume level of speech. Default = 1, possible values = 0 - 1
    • preUtteranceDelay - [number] the amount of time before speaking. Default = 0
    • postUtteranceDelay - [number] the amount of time to wait after a speak call before speaking again. Default = 0
    • voice - [JSON object] representing the language & voice library to be used. Keys include:
      • languageCode - [string] the language to be spoken. Default = current language based on the region set for the device, examples = 'en-US', 'fr-FR'.
      • voiceId - [string] the specific voice library to be used. Default = current default set for the language in use, example = 'com.apple.ttsbundle.siri_male_en-GB_compact'
Triggers kp_Speech_didStartSpeechUtterance immediately. When the speech is complete, triggers kp_Speech_didFinishSpeechUtterance


This function speaks "Hello world!" with a specific configuration:

function speak() {
    var speechConfig = '{\
        "rate": 0.5,\
        "pitchMultiplier": 1,\
        "volume": 1,\
        "preUtteranceDelay": 0,\
        "postUtteranceDelay": 0,\
        "voice": {\
            "languageCode": "en-US",\
    kp_Speech_speak('Hello world', speechConfig);

Pause Speaking

This function pauses any speech currently ongoing. The place at which the speech is paused is saved and speech can be resumed from that point by triggering kp_Speech_continue.

Triggers kp_Speech_didPauseSpeechUtterance

Continue Speaking

This function continues speech that has been paused using kp_Speech_pause.

Triggers kp_Speech_didContinueSpeechUtterance

Stop Speaking

This function immediately stops any speech currently ongoing. Speech ended using this function cannot be resumed, but instead would need to be restarted from the beginning using a new Read Text String command.

Triggers kp_Speech_didCancelSpeechUtterance

Check Default Language Code

This function triggers a callback returning the default language code for the device. For example, "en-US".

Parameters callback - [string] the name of the callback to be triggered after the function has been executed
Callback format
Callback return values currentLanguageCode - [string] the default language code for the device

Check Language Code Options

This function triggers a callback containing a list of available language codes.

Parameters callback - [string] the name of the callback to be triggered after the function has been executed
Callback format
Callback return values langCodes - [array] containing a list of available language codes

Check Voice Library Options

This function triggers a callback returning a list of voice libraries available on the device. Additional voice libraries can be downloaded in iOS/iPadOS Settings under Accessibility > Spoken Content > Voices.

Parameters callback - [string] the name of the callback to be triggered after the function has been executed
Callback format
Callback return values voiceIDs [array] containing a list of voice libraries available on the device

Notifications via API Callbacks

When Speech Starts

This callback is triggered when a speech successfully starts.

Parameters speechString - [string] the text currently in use by the API

When Speech Completes

This callback is triggered when a speech successfully finishes.

Parameters speechString - [string] the text currently in use by the API

When Speech Pauses

This callback is triggered when a speech is paused.

Parameters speechString - [string] the text currently in use by the API

When Speech Continues

This callback is triggered when a paused speech is continued.

Parameters speechString - [string] the text currently in use by the API

When Speech Is Stopped

This callback is triggered when a speech is stopped.

Parameters speechString - [string] the text currently in use by the API

Sample Code

  • This sample code relies on the JavaScript APIs built into Kiosk Pro and will not run successfully in other browsers or within our in-app help interface.
  • To run sample code, set the app's homepage to kioskgroup.com/read-text-api
  • To download a .zip of sample code, click here.

Change Log

  • Added in version 9.3

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