Preload Homepage While Running Screensaver

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Plus and Enterprise

Control whether the Homepage is preloaded while the Screensaver is running.

Default Value: Off

When enabled, this setting tells Kiosk Pro to load the homepage while the screensaver is running. This loads the homepage in a separate layer, allowing the app to transition immediately from the screensaver to the homepage when the visitor touches the screen. If this setting is used with Refresh Homepage, the homepage will refresh behind-the-scenes while the screensaver is active.

Loading the homepage in a separate layer can cause problems with certain types of content. iOS/iPadOS can only play a single video at a time, so this setting should be disabled if your homepage uses a video that is set to autoplay.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key kp_preloadHomepageBehindScreensaver
Key Type boolean
Default Value false

Change Log

  • Added in version 5.2.

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