Enable Web Inspector

Supported In:

Kiosk Pro Basic, Plus and Enterprise

Note: This feature is not available on devices running versions of the operating system prior to iOS/iPadOS 16.4.

Use of this feature requires the use of Kiosk Pro's default Browser Engine, WKWebView. 

Default Value: On

Apple requires third-party apps to use one of two native browser components (WKWebView & the older UIWebView, now deprecated) to render and display web-based content. These browser components are a part of the iOS & iPadOS operating systems and are updated whenever you update your iPhone or iPad.

Before iOS/iPadOS 16.4, Apple's web console tools for third-party apps only supported inspecting developer-provisioned apps built directly from Xcode for local development, allowing developers to debug their own content. During this period, users developing web content for released versions of apps, like Kiosk Pro, had no straightforward way to inspect dynamic web content or scripts. 

In iOS/iPadOS 16.4, Apple extended their Web Inspector tool, previously only available on iOS/iPadOS for mobile Safari views, to third-party apps using WKWebView.  

This now makes it possible for developers creating content for display in Kiosk Pro to debug the layout of web pages, step through JavaScript, read messages logged to the console, and more.  

Use of the Web Inspector tool requires a physical connection to a Mac computer with a modern version of Safari to access the resulting logs.

In addition to enabling this setting, you must also enable Web Inspector in the system Settings app. To enable remote inspection on an iOS/iPadOS device:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Go to Safari.
  3. Scroll down to Advanced.
  4. Enable the Web Inspector toggle.

Once Web Inspector is enabled, connect the iOS/iPadOS device to any macOS computer via a physical cable.  Once connected, the name of the iOS device will appear as a submenu in the Develop menu of Safari on the connected macOS computer: 

After connecting, navigate back to Kiosk Pro and run the kiosk presentation to show the page you want to inspect - it will automatically come up as an option under the device submenu and can be inspected using the standard Safari Web Inspector toolset. 

To learn more about using Web Inspector, visit the official documentation here.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key kp_isWebInspectorEnabled
Key Type boolean
Default Value true

Change Log

  • Added in version 11.2

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