Blocked Request Alert

Display a message if a visitor tries to access a site that is not allowed.

Show Blocked Request Alert

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Lite, Basic, Plus and Enterprise

Default: On

When turned On, Kiosk Pro will show an alert box informing the visitor that the website is not allowed. This alert will appear if the site a visitor is trying to access is not listed in the Allowed Domains or is listed in the Restricted Domains.

We recommend keeping this setting turned On when using the Allowed Domains or Restricted Domains settings to give visitors an explanation of why a link doesn't work.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key showSiteMessage
Key Type boolean
Default Value true

Blocked Request Alert Text

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Basic, Plus and Enterprise

Customize the text alert shown when visitors attempt to visit a blocked domain. This feature is useful if your web site is in another language or if you just want your message to match the overall tone of your kiosk content.

Default: Sorry, this site is not allowed.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key offDomainMessage
Key Type string
Default Value Sorry, this site is not allowed.

Customizing Blocked Request Alert Text for Specific URLs

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Plus and Enterprise

Customize the alert text shown to visitors when a web request is blocked, based on the specific URL that was blocked. This provides a way to give more context-specific messaging to visitors about why a site is not allowed or to provide additional instructions.

To enable custom blocked request alert text, download, unzip, and modify our sample XML file here. This is an XML-formatted property list, containing an array of one or more dictionary elements. Each dictionary defines one alert text rule, using the following keys:

  • Text (required): The custom alert text to show.
  • Matchings (optional): A semicolon-delimited list of URL patterns to match. If omitted, all URLs are considered a match. The URL patterns support the same wildcards as the Allowed/Restricted Domains lists ('*' for any number of characters, '?' for a single character).
  • Exclusions (optional): A semicolon-delimited list of URL patterns to exclude from matching. If omitted, no URLs are excluded from the matched group.

Once modified, the '_kp_blocked_requests_custom_alert_texts.xml' file must be placed in the Kiosk Pro documents folder in a folder named 'KioskAssets'.  When a web request is blocked:

  1. Kiosk Pro will check if this XML file is present. If so, it will parse the rules.
  2. It compares the blocked URL against each rule set in order. A URL matches a rule if it matches any URL pattern in the 'Matchings' list, and does not match any pattern in the 'Exclusions' list.
  3. If a match is found, the custom 'Text' defined for that rule is shown in the blocked request alert instead of the default app-wide Blocked Request Alert Text setting.
  4. The rules are evaluated in the order listed in the file. If a URL matches multiple rules, the last match takes priority.
  5. If no match is found after checking all rules, the standard blocked request alert text is shown.

Note that this only customizes the alert text if a URL is blocked and Show Blocked Request Alert Text is enabled. To block URLs, they still need to be included in the Allowed and/or Restricted Domains lists.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Not applicable. This feature is configured through the placement of a properly-formatted XML file named "_kp_blocked_requests_custom_alert_texts.xml" in the Kiosk Pro documents folder in a folder named “KioskAssets”.

Change Log

  • Included in version 1.0. Added the ability to customize alert text by URL in version 11.2.

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