Site Version

This guide is to help you understand why your website may look different on your iPad, or specifically within Kiosk Pro, than in another browser.

Responsive Web Design

A lot of websites use a method called responsive web design to change the layout based on the size of the browser window they're being displayed in. This means a website displayed on your phone or iPad may look different than a website displayed on your computer.

How to know if this method affects your website

If the website you're displaying shows the same content but in a different layout in Kiosk Pro, the website is likely using responsive web design. In most cases, this shouldn't affect the usability of the website in Kiosk Pro.

User Agent String

Some developers use a method called user-agent sniffing to determine which browser visitors are using before displaying content. This method is generally not considered to be a best practice since it can lead to errors being shown on unknown browsers, like Kiosk Pro, which is built on WKWebView, an iPadOS browser component.

How to know if this method affects your website

If the website you're displaying shows different content (more than just a difference in layout) in Kiosk Pro than on a computer, it is likely using user-agent sniffing. In this case, you can resolve the problem by setting a Custom User-Agent String in Kiosk Pro Plus or Kiosk Pro Enterprise.

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