Allow Universal Links to Open Other Apps

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Basic, Plus and Enterprise

Control how universal links are handled within Kiosk Pro. Universal links are standard web URLs that are associated with a native app on the device. For example, a link to '' can open the YouTube app if it is installed.

Default: Off

If disabled, a universal link will always open within Kiosk Pro and display the web content associated with that URL. If enabled, a universal link will open the associated native app if it is installed on the device and the request is not blocked by Guided Access or Single App Mode.

Certain types of navigation will always open in the Kiosk Pro web view regardless of this setting:

In these cases, iOS/iPadOS treats the navigation as type "Other" and will not check for an associated native app. This matches the behavior seen in Safari when entering a URL directly in the address bar.

In Kiosk Pro Lite, a universal link will always attempt to open the associated native app if it is installed on the device and the request is not blocked by Guided Access or Single App Mode.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key kp_allowUniversalLinksToOpenOtherApps
Key Type string
Default Value false

Change Log

  • Added in version 11.2

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