Granting required iOS/iPadOS permissions

Depending on the version the app you have and how you are using it, Kiosk Pro may request permission to use one or more iOS/iPadOS features.  

Permissions it may ask for through the use of an on-screen alert include:

  • Accelerometer - to detect device motion on request and/or to trigger remote notifications for security purposes 
  • Bluetooth - to find, connect, and transfer data between different devices on request 
  • Device camera - to take photos and video and/or to scan barcodes and QR codes on request
  • Location data - to identify the current location of the device on request
  • Microphone - to capture audio while recording video and/or to find, connect, and transfer data between different devices on request
  • Photo library - used to upload images from your library or store new images if you are not using Kiosk Pro's JavaScript API, both on request

The first time Kiosk Pro needs to use one of these features a window will appear on-screen asking if the app can have permission.  

Touching "OK" will dismiss the window and the permission will be stored by the operating system until the app is deleted from the device. If "Don't Allow" is pressed, the feature will not be accessible.

If "Don't Allow" was chosen accidentally, you can change which apps have permission to access specific features in the device settings under the Privacy section.

Permissions that cannot be prompted within the app and which require going to system settings to enable include: 

  • Cross-website tracking - to allow cookies to be loaded for authentication and/or tracking by third-party websites
  • Local networks - to find, connect, and transfer data between different devices on request 

More information about this type of permission and how it can be enabled is available here.

Change Log

  • Included in version 1.0 and updated over time as new settings requiring these permissions were added. Text associated with permission prompts was updated in version 11.2 to only identify the app by a dynamic placeholder in the title to better support rebranded custom B2B builds.

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