Local File Directory
Supported in:
View a list of locally stored files and their file paths relative to Kiosk Pro's documents folder.
You can quickly set your Homepage or Screensaver by tapping the file or folder you want to use and choosing "Set as Homepage" or "Set As Screensaver" (Screensaver only available in Plus & Enterprise).
To view local files on the iPad through Kiosk Pro, you must transfer your files to Kiosk Pro's folder on the iPad. Apps are "sandboxed" by Apple, which means that an app can only access files stored in its own folder. This is for security purposes and also to prevent an app with potential problems from affecting other applications on the device.
To transfer files onto your iPad, you can use iTunes or a third-party software like iMazing. Steps for transferring files are available here. If you are using the Plus or Enterprise version of Kiosk Pro, you also have the option to transfer files remotely via your own server, Dropbox, or our remote management server.
Once your files are stored in the Kiosk Pro documents folder, set your Homepage to one of the local files. No other changes are required in Kiosk Pro settings to run your kiosk locally.
Change Log
- Added in version 5.0