Idle Time Reset Alert

Alert visitors that the Idle Time Limit is about to trigger so they can continue their session.

Show Idle Time Reset Alert

Supported In:

Kiosk Pro Plus and Enterprise

This is useful for visitors who have to sign into an application or might just need more time on a page. The alert provides a way to prevent the app from cycling back to the homepage without notice, which could potentially sign a visitor out or lose their place depending on how the app is configured.

Default: Off

This is shown as a native alert by default, which can be customized through the settings below, or replaced with a custom graphic as described in Custom Graphic for Idle Time Reset Alert.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key idleTimeoutWarning
Key Type boolean
Default Value false

Idle Time Reset Alert Text

Supported In:

Kiosk Pro Plus and Enterprise

Customize the text for the native alert that is shown for the Idle Time Reset Alert to match the tone or language of your main content.

Default: Please touch the screen to continue your session.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key idleTimeoutWarningString
Key Type string
Default Value Please touch the screen to continue your session.
Other Possible Values
  • .........

Custom Graphic for Idle Time Reset Alert

Supported In:

Kiosk Pro Plus and Enterprise

Set a custom graphic to be shown instead of the native alert normally used for the Idle Time Reset Alert.

Like the native alert, tapping anywhere on the screen will dismiss the image and restart the idle timer.

There is no app setting associated with using a custom graphic. Similar to how Kiosk Pro handles custom error screens, this graphic must be stored in the app’s Local Documents folder inside a folder named 'KioskAssets' and must be named ‘idle-time-reset-alert.jpg’ or ‘idle-time-reset-alert.png’.

Images can be saved in .png or .jpg format. If using an image that does not match the current screen dimensions, Kiosk Pro will resize the image to fill the screen while maintaining its current aspect ratio.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Not applicable. This feature is configured through the placement of an image file named ‘idle-time-reset-alert.jpg’ or ‘idle-time-reset-alert.png’ in the Kiosk Pro documents folder in a folder named 'KioskAssets'.

Audible Tone

Supported In:

Kiosk Pro Plus and Enterprise

Configure an audible tone to play when the Idle Time Reset Alert is triggered. This can provide an audio cue for a visitor who might be looking away from the screen or might otherwise be distracted to allow them to continue their session.

The options provided are a selection from iOS/iPadOS's more recent alert tones and can be previewed in System Settings under Sounds > Text Tone > Alert Tones.

Default Value:
  • None
Other Possible Values:
  • Aurora
  • Bamboo
  • Chord
  • Circles
  • Complete
  • Hello
  • Input
  • Keys
  • Note
  • Popcorn
  • Pulse
  • Synth

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key idleTimeResetAlertSoundID
Key Type integer
Default Value 0 [None]
Other Possible Values
  • 1 = Aurora
  • 2 = Bamboo
  • 3 = Chord
  • 4 = Circles
  • 5 = Complete
  • 6 = Hello
  • 7 = Input
  • 8 = Keys
  • 9 = Note
  • 10 = Popcorn
  • 11 = Pulse
  • 12 = Synth

Idle Time Reset Alert Duration

Supported In:

Kiosk Pro Plus and Enterprise

Customize the duration of the alert that appears when the Idle Time Limit is about to trigger is shown.

Default: 10
Unit of Measurement: seconds

To allow the app to trigger the idle timer when expected, this duration is included within the overall idle time limit and must be shorter than the configured Idle Time Limit for the Idle Time Reset Alert to be shown.

As an example, let's say the Idle Time Limit is set to 60 seconds and the Idle Time Reset Alert Duration is set to 10 seconds. Assuming a visitor walks away from an active user session and no additional input that would reset or delay the idle timer occurs, the Idle Time Reset Alert will be triggered at 50 seconds and will display for 10 seconds until the Idle Time Limit refreshes the screen at 60 seconds (as expected by the Idle Time Limit setting).

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key idleTimeResetAlertDuration
Key Type string
Default Value 10

Change Log

  • Added in version 1.2.
  • Made improvements to the Idle Time Reset Alert, including the ability to control how long the alert is displayed and the ability to trigger an audible tone of your choice when the alert is triggered in case a visitor is looking away from the screen in version 11.0. 
  • Added the ability to use a custom graphic instead of the native alert if preferred in version 11.2.

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