Screensaver External Monitor Mode

Supported In:

Kiosk Pro Enterprise

Determine how a video Screensaver should behave when connected to an external screen. You can connect an iPad to an external screen through one of Apple’s Digital AV Adapters or wirelessly over AirPlay.

In most scenarios, we recommend the use of a video file that matches the aspect ratio of the external screen in use - in all modes but Native Mirroring, this video would then be shown full screen on the external screen and padded with black bars on the iPad's smaller screen to fit the aspect ratio of that device. 

In all modes, if the JavaScript API is enabled and calls to the External Screen API are made, those calls will be honored, interrupting the screensaver if it is currently playing on the external screen to mirror the iPad's screen or display full-screen content as directed.  Prior to version 11.0, API calls are only honored in Hybrid Mirroring (previously 'Interactive') and Native Mirroring modes. 

While connected, all sound is routed through the external screen. 

Default Value:
  • Hybrid Mirroring
Other Possible Values:
  • Digital Signage
  • Hybrid Signage
  • Native Mirroring

Digital Signage

Screensaver video plays in a loop on the external screen and is not interrupted by interaction with the iPad's screen (unless that interaction triggers a call to the External Screen API). Screensaver video is not shown on the iPad, which displays the homepage configured in the app's settings. 

If the screensaver video has been interrupted by a call to the External Screen API and you are using Single Video Sync and Idle Time Behavior > 'Refresh homepage, start screensaver at the next sync cycle', on idle time out, the app will refresh the homepage and display a black background on the external screen until the next sync cycle. 

Hybrid Signage

While idle, the screensaver video plays on both the external screen and the iPad. When a visitor taps the iPad’s screen, the iPad screen shows the homepage while the external screen continues to loop the video screensaver.  

Use of Hybrid Signage mode is not currently recommended in combination with a Standard Display screensaver - instead, we recommend using Single Video Sync to allow the screensaver and iPad to come back into sync when the app idle times out. 

If the screensaver video has been interrupted by a call to the External Screen API and you are using Single Video Sync and Idle Time Behavior > 'Refresh homepage, start screensaver at the next sync cycle', on idle time out, the app will refresh the homepage and display a black background on the external screen until the next sync cycle.  

Hybrid Mirroring

While idle, the screensaver video plays on both the external screen and the iPad. When a visitor taps the iPad’s screen, the app switches to mirroring mode, showing the homepage on both the iPad and the external screen.

When the visitor walks away and the app idle times out, the app triggers the screensaver video on both screens. If you are using Single Video Sync and Idle Time Behavior > 'Refresh homepage, start screensaver at the next sync cycle', on idle time out, the app will refresh the homepage and continue to mirror on the external screen until the next sync cycle at which point the screensaver would be shown on both screens.

Native Mirroring

In this mode, the external screen mirrors the iPad’s screen using the native mirroring capability of the iOS/iPadOS operating system. While idle, both screens show the video screensaver - as this is mirrored onto the external screen, it will be shown padded with black bars to fit the aspect ratio of the iPad (see Using Kiosk Pro with an external screen for more information about mirroring). 

When a visitor taps the iPad’s screen, both screens will then show the homepage.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key kp_screenSaverExternalMonitorMode
Key Type integer
Default Value 1
  • 0 = Digital Signage
  • 1 = Hybrid Mirroring
  • 2 = Hybrid Signage
  • 3 = Native Mirroring

Change Log

  • Added in version 6.4
  • Updated in version 11.0 to rename options, refine behavior, add support for Single Video Sync, and add support for calls to the External Screen API in all modes. 

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