Clear Cache on Content Refresh

Supported In:

Kiosk Pro Basic, Plus and Enterprise

Clear the cache at the end of a visitor session. This can be useful for kiosks which need their content to reload entirely or need to clear data entered by a visitor.

Note: When data clearing settings are turned off, Kiosk Pro is not able to guarantee that cache will be saved.

Default: Off

This setting is triggered when:

  • the Idle Time Limit is executed
  • the Refresh Homepage timer is executed
  • a visitor taps the Home icon in the Navigation Bar
  • ‘kiosk://home’ is called
  • the JavaScript API is used to trigger the idle timer

In addition, when Clear Data on Relaunch & Remote Update is turned on, the cache will be cleared regardless of this setting when:

  • the app is exited and relaunched
  • a remote update of settings and/or content occurs

In circumstances where the visitor taps a standard link that returns to the homepage or navigates back to the homepage using the Back icon in the navigation bar, the app will not immediately clear cache, but instead will wait for one of the actions outlined above.

Basic Authentication Requests

To prevent users from having to complete authentication requests multiple times, Kiosk Pro saves this data automatically and clears it when the app is terminated. While this setting is turned On, authentication data will also be cleared when cache clearing is triggered.

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key clearCache
Key Type boolean
Default Value false

Change Log

  • Added in version 2.0

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