Clear Cookies & Session Storage On Content Refresh

Supported In:

Kiosk Pro Basic, Plus and Enterprise

Clear any cookies and HTML session storage set by a site and any text copied to the clipboard at the end of a visitor session. On the majority of sites, this will close any open sessions and clear any login data and/or e-commerce carts.

Cookies are text files with small pieces of data that are used by websites to identify a specific user or computer. Sites generally use cookies to manage logins and/or carts across multiple page views. HTML session storage is similar in that it is generally designed to be discarded when a session is over.

Default: Off

This setting is triggered when:

In circumstances where the visitor taps a standard link that returns to the homepage or navigates back to the homepage using the Back icon in the navigation bar, the app will not immediately clear cookies, but instead will wait for one of the actions outlined above.

If cookies need to be retained on a specific page or domain, but cleared on others, you can exclude them from being cleared when this setting is triggered using the Retain Cookies On setting.  It is also possible to trigger clearing data directly using our JavaScript API

Cookie and session storage limits are managed by the underlying Browser Engine component Kiosk Pro is built on. Cookies also have built-in expiration dates. Both of these mean that these types of data may sometimes be cleared even if this setting is disabled.  For projects that require that a cookie and/or session storage be set for the kiosk to function, we recommend using Autofill to store credentials for easy resubmission or configuring your content to automatically store the necessary data on page load and enabling Ensure Cookies Are Loaded on Homepage.

In addition, when Clear Data on Relaunch & Remote Update is turned on, cookies will be cleared regardless of this setting when:

  • the app is exited and relaunched
  • a remote update of settings and/or content occurs

Values for Remote Settings Control & Managed App Configuration

Key clearCookies
Key Type boolean
Default Value false

Change Log

  • Added in version 2.0. Added the ability to also clear any HTML5 session storage created by a site in version 8.5

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